Friday 28 May 2010

Pick up a FREE book from Newham General Reads

They say there is no such thing as a free lunch. The KLS is pleased to announce that you can now satisfy one hunger for free.

Newham General Reads is our new leisure reading collection. Thanks to kind donations from your colleagues you can pop down to the Knowledge & Library Service to pick up free fiction to read.

The books are located near the comfy chairs close to the entrance of the main library room. You do not need to register with us to take one (or more) and you won't be chased to return things. Please note the Well @ Work healthy living books and DVDs still need to be borrowed in the usual way.

When you have finished with a Newham General Reads book you can return it to us, pass it to a colleague or just gift it on in some other way. Donations are welcome.

There is a great range of books available from all kinds of authors. Please come by and have a look and tell us what you think.

Wednesday 12 May 2010

Training Dates June 2010

Need to track down journal articles to support your work or study? Want to be able to save your searches or download a subset of your results?

Tues 6 June 14.00
Fri 18 June 14.00
Mon 21 June 17.15
Wed 30 June 08.30

To enrol on any of the above training dates: call the Library on x8016 for advice or book on ESR under Finding the Evidence: using the healthcare databases

Sessions are hands-on in small groups and last for 1 hour.