Thursday 27 March 2008

NLH Search 2.0 - what? when? why?

For some time now the National Library for Health home page has been sporting a big red button announcing the impending arrival of Search 2.0. You may also have spotted an advert in one of your regular weekly reads.

So what does this mean in practice? Many of you will be regular searchers of our healthcare literature databases (Medline, EMBASE, BNI, CINAHL, DH Data and PsycINFO) via the Dialog interface. Search 2.0 is going to replace both the Dialog interface and some of the other options currently used on . The Search 2.0 interface will be NHS specific and integrate with all the electronic resources purchased for you both nationally and locally. It should mean fewer changes to interfaces in the future and an improved experience as we exercise increased control over development.

In the first instance there are likely to be a few teething problems. Search 2.0 is due to be made available on the 1st of April. The good news is that we will have a two month overlap period where the old dialog interface will remain in place.

The Knowledge & Library Service team are working hard on getting their own skills up to scratch on the new interface and will be offering a programme of training as soon as possible. We will also be creating training guides and cheat sheets. Inspired by our colleagues at the FADE Library up in Liverpool we will be bringing you highlights from the training guides over the next few days.

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