Friday 9 May 2008

Your choice of new books

A recurring feature of this blog are the lists of new books available in the library.

Due to the budgetary cycle there are relatively few new items to add in April. Accordingly there will be no new books list this month.

The good news is that we are ready and waiting for your requests for the items you need to support patient care, personal development and research. Feel free to drop in to discuss your needs, call or send me an email.

You can use NewhamCat to check what we already have in your area(provided you are on a NUHT or NPCT computer).

All requests will be given due consideration. While some might have to be rejected we will be happy to explain why and can generally borrow any item you might need from another library. I am particularly interested to hear from people who feel we do not support their needs. The first step to getting that fixed is getting in touch.

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